George Carey

The Rt Revd and Rt Hon
 The Lord Carey of Clifton
Archbishop of Canterbury
Enthroned 19 April 1991
Reign ended 31 October 2002
Predecessor Robert Runcie
Successor Rowan Williams
Personal details
Born 13 November 1935 (1935-11-13) (age 76)
London, England
Nationality British
Denomination Anglican
Residence Berkshire
Occupation Bishop
Alma mater King's College London

George Leonard Carey, Baron Carey of Clifton PC, FKC (born 13 November 1935[1]) is a former Archbishop of Canterbury, holding the office from 1991 to 2002. He was the first modern holder of the office not to have attended Oxford or Cambridge University. During his time as archbishop the Church of England ordained its first women priests and the debate over attitudes to homosexuality became more prominent, especially at the Lambeth Conference of 1998.


Early life

George Carey was born on 13 November 1935 in the East End of London in England. He attended Bonham Road Primary School in Dagenham, then he failed his eleven plus.[2]:14 He then attended Bifrons Secondary Modern School in Barking, before leaving at the age of 15. He worked for the London Electricity Board as an office boy before doing his National Service at 18 in the RAF as a wireless operator, during which time he served in Iraq.[2]:32

Conversion and ordination

Carey became a committed Christian at age 17 when he attended a church service with some friends. He said that "I had a conversion experience which was very real ... There were no blinding lights, simply a quiet conviction I had found something", he later said.[3]

During his National Service, Carey decided to seek ordination and after his discharge he studied intensely, gaining six O-levels and three A-levels in 15 months, before attending King's College London. He graduated in 1962 with a 2:1 degree as a B.D. and was subsequently ordained. He later obtained an M.Th. and a Ph.D. degree.


Carey was a curate at St Mary's Islington, worked at Oak Hill Theological College and St John's Theological College, Nottingham and became Vicar of St Nicholas' Church, Durham in 1975. Within two years he had trebled the congregation. He later wrote a book on his experiences there called The Church in the Market Place.

In 1982 Carey was appointed Principal of Trinity College, Bristol. He became Bishop of Bath and Wells in 1988.

When Robert Runcie retired as Archbishop of Canterbury the Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, encouraged by her former Parliamentary Private Secretary, Michael Alison MP, put Carey's name forward to the Queen for appointment.[4] The religious correspondent for The Times, Clifford Longley, commented that "Mrs Thatcher's known impatience with theological and moral wooliness ... will have been a factor."[5]

Carey was enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury on 19 April 1991. He retired from this office on 31 October 2002 and was created a Life Peer as Baron Carey of Clifton, of Clifton in the City and County of Bristol on 5 November 2002.[6]

As Archbishop of Canterbury, Carey promoted a "decade of evangelism". But he aroused strong opposition also, some of it quite personal. For example, one newspaper profile asked "Is he the worst Archbishop we have ever had?"[7] in 1999 – before concluding that he was not, but that he was "without question the worst Archbishop imaginable for a media age". Michael Arditti, in his review of Carey's memoirs,[8] wrote: "His eleven years in office were marked by unprecedented public criticism. He managed to alienate many of his natural supporters on the Evangelical wing of the Church, as well as both the Liberal and Conservative opposition. He was, arguably, the most excoriated archbishop since the execution of Charles I’s favourite, William Laud."[8]

Carey is currently the Chancellor of the University of Gloucestershire and an Honorary Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Scriveners.

Theological and social positions

Carey's theological roots are in the Evangelical tradition of the Church of England. He strongly supported the ordination of women but also has close ecumenical links with the Roman Catholic Church, being chosen in 1976 to represent the Church of England at a meeting of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in Rome.[2]:84

Carey is tolerant of divorce and divorced people and the remarriage of divorced people. One of his sons is divorced and he also supported the remarriage of the Prince of Wales to Camilla Parker-Bowles, whose first husband is living. He opposed homosexual relationships among members of the clergy, although he admits to having consecrated two bishops whom he suspected of having same-sex partners. He presided over the Lambeth Conference of 1998 and actively supported the resolution at that conference which uncompromisingly rejected all homosexual practice as "incompatible with scripture".

Carey was criticised for his lack of neutrality on the issue of homosexuality by those attempting to reach a compromise position which had been presented to the conference by a working group of bishops on human sexuality. Carey also voted against an expressed condemnation (which had been present in the original form of the resolution) of homophobia. The resolution as a whole was described by one of Carey's fellow primates, Richard Holloway, Bishop of Edinburgh and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, as a betrayal.

Carey said: "If this conference is known by what we have said about homosexuality, then we will have failed."[9] The resolution, however, was the beginning of an escalating crisis of unity within the Anglican Communion around the question of human sexuality which continues. This resolution is at the heart of current divisions within the Anglican Communion on the issue. In 1999 he was one of four English bishops who expressly declined to sign the Cambridge Accord: an attempt to find agreement on affirming certain human rights of homosexuals, notwithstanding differences within the church on the morality of homosexual behaviour.[10] In an interview with Sir David Frost in 2002 he said: "I don't believe in blessing same-sex relationships because frankly I don't know what I'm blessing."[11]

Carey was the first former Archbishop of Canterbury to publish his memoirs. The book, Know the Truth, mentions meetings with the Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles and his thoughts that they should marry. In 1998 he made a public call for the humane treatment of General Augusto Pinochet, the former dictator of Chile, who was at the time in custody in the United Kingdom.[12][13]

In 2000, Carey was critical of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's document Dominus Iesus, saying that it "did not reflect the deep comprehension that has been reached through ecumenical dialogue and cooperation [between Roman Catholics and Anglicans] during the past 30 years ... the Church of England and the worldwide Anglican Communion does not for one moment accept that its orders of ministry and Eucharist are deficient in any way. It believes itself to be a part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church of Christ, in whose name it serves and bears witness, here and round the world."[14]

Public statements since retirement

As Archbishop, he was active in inter-faith work and worked for better relations with Muslims, calling for "deeper dialogue" between the two faiths. On 25 March 2004, after his retirement, he made a speech lamenting the lack of democracy and innovation in Muslim countries, suggesting a lack of critical scholarship toward the Qur'an and saying that moderate Muslims should "resist strongly" the take-over of Islam by extremists. He also criticised the majority of Muslims, who do not support extremists, for not denouncing them.[15] Some viewed his speech as an outspoken attack on Islam; Carey responded: "Those who took the trouble to read my lecture will have noted that I was as critical of the West, of Christianity and, for that matter, also sharply critical of Israel's policy with respect to Palestine."[16] Carey wrote an opinion piece in The Times on 10 September 2008 (p. 26) in which he said: "Immigration must be kept under control if we are to retain the essentials of British society that have been built up over the generations. ... If this scale of immigration continues, with people of different faiths, cultures and traditions coming here, what will it mean to be British?"

In February 2006, he attracted more controversy by declaring in a letter to The Times that a General Synod motion supported by his successor in favour of disinvestment in a company active in the occupied territories of Israel made him ashamed to be an Anglican.[17]

Since his retirement, Carey has supported same-sex partnerships in secular law but continues to oppose gay marriage and the blessing of gay partnerships in church. In March 2006, he personally endorsed "with enthusiasm" a questionnaire to American bishops from what he described as "Lay Episcopalians who wish their Church to remain faithful to Orthodox Christianity" in relation to the controversy in that church over the ordination of an openly gay bishop. For this, he was chided by Frank Griswold, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States, "for allowing himself to be used by others whose political ambition is to sow division".

Carey initially said he "was not too upset" by the controversy but, in April 2006, when criticism of his post-retirement activism on a number of fronts had been voiced in an open letter,[18] he issued a public statement complaining that such comments were "mischievous and damaging to the Anglican Communion".[19] In an interview for the BBC on 23 April 2006, he said "I think this is a mischievous letter from Australia and I hope the authors will reflect and repent".[20]

In May 2006, he made a speech to the Virginia Theological Seminary, subsequently published on his personal website, which said "When I left office at the end of 2002 I felt the Anglican Communion was in good heart" but that, as a result of subsequent events "it is difficult to say in what way we are now a Communion." This was reported on 11 June 2006 in the Sunday Telegraph ("Church has fallen apart since I was in charge, says Carey") and on 12 June 2006 in The Guardian and The Independent as an attack on his successor. An email from Carey on the day of publication was circulated in which he strongly denied this and said "I am hopping mad and will want a retraction from the [Sunday Telegraph], otherwise I will lodge a complaint."

In September 2006, he backed the Pope in the controversy over his comments on Islam and declared that "there will be no significant material and economic progress [in Muslim communities] until the Muslim mind is allowed to challenge the status quo of Muslim conventions and even their most cherished shibboleths."[21] However, his comments attracted much less attention and interest than those of the Pope.

In November 2006, he was barred from delivering a Church Mission Society lecture at Bangor Cathedral by the Dean of Bangor, who viewed that Carey had become "a factor of disunity and of disloyalty to Rowan Williams, a divisive force."[22]

In September 2009, Carey provoked outrage among some Anglicans by making positive remarks about the arms trade.[23] He was quickly condemned by a number of Christian activists, particularly since the Lambeth Conference has resolved to oppose the arms trade.[24][25]

In October 2009, Carey said it was inexcusable that the Vatican gave a relatively short notice of its offer to receive some Anglo-Catholics into the Roman Catholic Church, but he nonetheless gave a cautious welcome to the Vatican's offer.[26]

In January 2010, Carey gave an interview on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, in which he said as part of the Balanced Migration Group he would want to start a debate on the UK's migration policy. He said that while the UK migration policy should not "give preference to any particular group", the points-based immigration system should give preferences to certain prospective migrants based on their values and backgrounds. In the same interview, however, he states that he was worried that the UK will become less of a Christian country and that he believes migration policy should foster the preservation of the Christian heritage of UK.[27]

In April 2010, Carey submitted a witness statement to an appeal court considering the dismissal of a relationship counsellor who had refused to work with homosexuals, in which he suggested that intervention by senior clerics, including himself, was "indicative of a future civil unrest".[28] In the same statement, he suggested that cases engaging religious rights should not be heard by any of the judges who had decided the previous cases, "as they have made clear their lack of knowledge about the Christian faith."[28] His submission was rejected by the Court as "misplaced"[29] and "deeply inimical to the public interest".[30] Lord Carey's position was widely criticised in the press.[31] Andrew Brown, writing in The Guardian, suggested that the effect of the judgment was to say that Carey was "a self-important and alarmist twit who has no idea what he is talking about".[32] The Church Times commented "One might be forgiven for thinking that Lord Carey of Clifton has generated more column-inches since retiring as Archbishop of Canterbury than he did when in office. His latest foray into the nation’s media is more than usually regrettable, as it strikes at the heart of the independence of the judiciary."[33] However, his position was supported by his former colleague, the retired Bishop of Rochester Michael Nazir Ali.[34]


Carey is married to Eileen. They have two sons, Mark (an Anglican priest) and Andrew (formerly Deputy Editor of the Church of England Newspaper and currently a freelance journalist); and two daughters, Rachel and Elizabeth.

Select bibliography

Honours and awards


Honorary degrees



  1. ^ The Times 12 November 2009. Retrieved 2010-07-24.
  2. ^ a b c Carey, George. Know the Truth. Harper Perennial. ISBN 0-00-712029-X. 
  3. ^ "George Carey Quotes – No.8". Retrieved 24 February 2011. 
  4. ^ Archer, Graeme. The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 3 May 2010. 
  5. ^ John Campbell, Margaret Thatcher. The Iron Lady (Jonathan Cape, 2003), p. 394.
  6. ^ London Gazette: no. 56744. p. 13421. 6 November 2002.
  7. ^
  8. ^ a b
  9. ^ "Lambeth Conference 1998 Archives". Lambeth Conference. Retrieved 1 December 2010. 
  10. ^ "Cambridge Accord (with UK signatories and refusals to sign)". Retrieved 27 February 2011. 
  11. ^ "Breakfast with Frost". BBC News. 27 October 2002. Retrieved 23 February 2008. 
  12. ^ Colin Brown, "Straw may release Pinochet", The Independent (London), 23 Octoctober 1998. 12 Sep. 2006.
  13. ^ The Sunday Times, 31 October 1999, "Carey pleads for Pinochet to be released". from a Pinochet watch website Retrieved on 12 September 2006.
  14. ^ Reactions to Dominus Iesus (2000)
  15. ^
  16. ^ "Lord Carey: Islam and the West Text of Lecture Delivered at University of Leicester, May 12, 2004". University of Leicester. Retrieved 22 August 2009. 
  17. ^ "Lord Carey 'ashamed to be an Anglican'". 8 February 2006. Retrieved 29 May 2008. 
  18. ^ Asthana, Anushka (16 April 2006). "Open letter to Lord Carey of Clifton". The Times (London).,,2087-2136284,00.html. Retrieved 23 February 2008. 
  19. ^ "Statement from Lord Carey". Retrieved 1 December 2010. 
  20. ^
  21. ^ Gledhill, Ruth; Owen, Richard (20 September 2006). "Carey backs Pope and issues warning on 'violent' Islam". The Times (London).,,2-2366419,00.html. Retrieved 23 February 2008. 
  22. ^ Gledhill, Ruth (2 November 2006). "Cathedral bans Carey as a 'divisive force'". The Times (London).,,2-2432840,00.html. Retrieved 23 February 2008. 
  23. ^ "Former Archbishop Carey under fire over arms trade comments". Retrieved 11 September 2009. 
  24. ^ "Resolution 28". Retrieved 11 September 2009. 
  25. ^ "Resolution 40". Retrieved 11 September 2009. 
  26. ^ Anglicans' ex-leader slams Vatican
  27. ^ Former archbishop Carey backs '70m population cap'
  28. ^ a b "McFarlane v Relate Avon". judgment of Lord Justice Laws: pp. paragraph 17. 29 April 2010. Retrieved 3 May 2010. 
  29. ^ "McFarlane v Relate Avon". judgment of Lord Justice Laws: pp. paragraph 18. 29 April 2010. Retrieved 3 May 2010. 
  30. ^ "McFarlane v Relate Avon". judgment of Lord Justice Laws: pp. paragraph 26. 29 April 2010. Retrieved 3 May 2010. 
  31. ^ "McFarlane: more reports and views (links to newspaper report and commentary)". Thinking Anglicans. 30 April 2010. Retrieved 3 May 2010. 
  32. ^ Brown, Andrew (29 April 2010). "Carey slapped down by senior judgeCarey's intervention in the case of the Christian Relate counsellor has been fisked by an appeal court judge". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 3 May 2010. 
  33. ^ Hill QC, Mark (23 April 2010). "Judges should not be hand-picked". Church Times (7675). Retrieved 3 May 2010. 
  34. ^ Nazir Ali, Michael (30 April 2010). "The legal threat to our spiritual tradition". Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 3 May 2010. 
  35. ^ London Gazette: no. 56749. p. 13695. 12 November 2002.
  36. ^ Lord Carey invested into Royal Order of Francis I - website of the Catholic Herald
  37. ^ a b c d e f g >"Rt. Rev. and Rt. Hon. George Leonard Carey, Baron Carey of Clifton". The Peerage. Retrieved 12 June 2011. 
  38. ^ Honorary graduates 1990-99 - website of Kent University
  39. ^ Honorary Graduates of the University of Nottingham - website of Nottingham University
  40. ^ Honorary Degrees, University of Durham,, retrieved 1 December 2010 
  41. ^ News: Former Archbishop Welcomes Class - website of the The University of the South
  42. ^ Honorary Degree Recipients - website of University of Notre Dame
  43. ^ SMU Names Honorary Degree Recipients For 2000 - website of the Southern Methodist University
  44. ^ Departing Archbishop Carey warns of Anglican split - publiced in the National Catholic Reporter
  45. ^ Archbishop of Canterbury humble and loving man - website of the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton
  46. ^ Honorary Doctoral Degree Recipients In 2005 - website of the University of Cambodia
  47. ^ Cambridge Honorary Degrees 2006 - website of the University of Cambridge

External links

Church of England titles
Preceded by
John Bickersteth
Bishop of Bath and Wells
Succeeded by
Jim Thomson
Preceded by
Robert Runcie
Archbishop of Canterbury
Succeeded by
Rowan Williams